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Friday 21 December 2012


  1. Creating social value or Blended value or creation of Empowerment and economic development.
  2. Financial sustainable 
  3. Utilization of social and local Resource 
  4. participatory inventory with people 
  5. work with innovative 
  6. Eco-Findley nature
  7. Identifying problem as an opportunity
  8. Good connection with market  
  9. work with social investor 
  10. Social and auditing the value

Difference between Cooperative and Producer Company

Difference between Cooperative and Producer Company 

Cooperative company
  1. It registered under the Cooperative society Act
  2.  Cooperative company is single objected
  3. Cooperative company share is not tradable and transformable 
  4. Cooperative company Area of operation is restricted
  5. Cooperative company membership is individual and cooperatives
  6. In Cooperative company one member can vote only one vote but register of cooperatives have veto power
  7. Cooperative company borrowing power is restricted

Producer company
  1. Producer company registered under the Indian company Act 
  2. Producer company is multi  objectives 
  3. Producer company area of restriction is entire union of India take operation
  4. Producer company share is not Tradable but it can transferable to limited members on per value
  5. Producer company membership will be individual, group, Association, producer of service.
  6. In  Producer company one member can vote only one vote company can not hold veto power.
  7. Producer company borrowing power is more freedom and more alternative.  

Social Return On Investment

Types of SROI
1.      Evaluate: this is conducted retrospectively and based on actual outcomes that have already taken place.
2.      Forecast: it measures the “How much social value will be crated if the activities meet their intended outcomes.

 SROI developed from the social accounting and cost-benefits analysis and based on seven principles.
1.      Involve stakeholder
2.      Understanding what change
3.      Value the thing that matter
4.      Only include what is material
5.      Do not over claim
6.      Be Transparent
7.      Verify the result
Judgment will be required through the SROI analysis. So the principle of materiality will be guide the judgment.
What is Materiality?
It is accounting term information is materiality if it has potential to effect the readers or stakeholders decision. Like that piece of information is material if it missing it out of the SROI it would misrepresent the organization activity.

Carrying out SROI analysis we should follows six stages

1)  Establishing scope and identifying key stakeholders
Here you have to clear boundaries about what your SROI analysis cover. Who will involved in the process and how..

2) Mapping outcomes:
By engaging with your stakeholders you will develop an impact map. This shows the relationship between inputs, outcome, and outputs.

3) Evident out comes and giving them a value:
This stage involves finding data to show whether outcomes have happen or no and then evaluating.

4) Establishing impact:
Showing the collected evidence on outcomes and mentioned them those aspects of changes that would happen.

5) Calculating the SROI
 This stage involves adding up all the benefits, subtracting any negative and comparing the result to the investment.

6) Reporting, using and embedding:
This involves sharing finding with stakeholders and responding to them, embedding good outcomes process.

How can SROI help your organization for more sustainable:
·         raising your profile
·         improving your case for further founding
·         marketing your tenders more persuasive

What is social accounting?
It is an approach used to measure the social value creation. It start from an organization’s started social objectives.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Microfinance Note's

  What is Micrfinance?

It is providing of financial service to the low income self employed people or clients or who lacking to access the banking and related service .
Not only giving the micro credit to the poor rather than. It has an objectives is to assist poor to work their way out of poverty.


Characteristics of Micro finance

Microfinance services are aimed at the poor clients, who do not have access to formal financial sources? Microfinance has its unique characteristics, which are as follows:
  • Mostly it is collateral free .Mostly it is collateral free.
  • MFIs go to clients rather than clients going to MFIs.
  •  Simplified savings and loan procedures Simplified. savings and loan procedures

Key Principles of Microfinance Key Principles of Microfinance

1. The poor need a variety of financial services, not just loans.
2. Microfinance is a powerful instrument against poverty Microfinance is a powerful instrument against 3.Microfinance means building financial systems that serve the poor serve the poor 
4. Financial sustainability is necessary to reach significant numbers of poor people number.  
5. Microfinance is about building permanent local financial institutions.
6. Micro credit is not always the answer Micro credit is not always the answer

Monday 10 December 2012

The Meaning of  "Social Entrepreneurship"

Social Entrepreneur:

Some one who recognizes a social problems as an opportunity and uses the entrepreneur principles to organize create and manage venture to make a social change or produce social value.  

 Basic principles of building social enterprise:

                                                                                                                                   by Jerr Borchee

  • Revenue model
  • "Be a player or do not play"
  • Income Strategies
  • Mission driven products and series
  • Understanding the difference in Innovators, Entrepreneur and Professional managers
  • Non profit culture  

For being social Entrepreneur:

                 Knowledge -Practice-Habit 
Innovation-Evaluation possible and gets
Creativity-Evaluation not possible and its inborn

Social Entrepreneurship:

Having business mind or head with social heart.

Key Traits of Social Entrepreneurs: 

  • Willingness to self correct.
  • Willingness to Share credit.
  •  Willingness to Break Free Of Established.
  • Willingness to Cross Disciplinary Boundaries.
  • Willingness to Work Quietly.
  • Strong Ethical Impetus.   





T-Time bound.

Social Entrepreneurship:

Combines the passion of business like discipline, innovation and determination.
EX- Homeless Shelters that start business to train and employ their residents.


Its originated since in 17th and 18th century French economics meaning is " Some one who undertake a significant project or activity.

Theories of Social Entrepreneurship: 

Jean Baptiste Say(19th century)

"Entrepreneurs create value"  by shifting economic resource out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.

Joseph Schumpeter:

 Its also know as Creative - destructive Theory, Entrepreneur as the innovator who derive  the "creative-destructive" process of serving new market or crating new ways of doing things, they move the economy forward.

Peter Drucker:

Its also know as Current theories of  Entrepreneurship. Here do not require entrepreneur to cause change, but they are the once exploit opportunities that cause change.
"The Entrepreneur always searching for change, respond to it and Exploit it as an opportunity".

Difference between Business and Social Entrepreneurs

Business Entrepreneurs:

  • Mission- Is subjected to the market.
  • Wealth - Profit is the main aim.
  • Value-Is created when customers are willing to pay more. 

Social Entrepreneur:

  • Mission-Is Explicit and External.
  • Wealth -Just a means, not and end.
  • Value-Value measured on the positive effect on public and difficult to measure. 

Sunday 9 December 2012

10 Principle of Fair Trade 

1) Creating opportunity for Economically disadvantage Producer.

2) Transparency and Accountability. 

3) Fair Trading Practice.

4) Payment of a fair Price.

5) Ensuring no child labour and Forced labour.

6) Commitment to NON Discrimination, Gender Equity and Freedom of Association.

7) Ensuring Good working conditions.

8) Providing Capacity Building.  

9) Promoting Fair Trade.

10)  Respect for Environment.


  1. It is registered under the Indian company act 2002. Ownership and membership are primary producers.
  2.  In producer company members equity cannot be traded. However, it may be transferred only with the approval board of directors of the producer company. 
  3. Clause of private limited company shall be applicable to the producer companies except the clause of specified in producer company Act.
  4. Producer company is with limited liabilities  and limited only by  share capital. the liability of the members is limited to the unpaid amount of the shares held by them.
  5. The minimum paid up authorized capital is 5lakh for a PC.
  6. Minimum number of producer required to PC is 10 and also there is no limit for maximum number of members. For agriculture based producer company 800 to 1000 is good size for initial years to make it economically viable.
  7. There cannot be private or government equity shake in PC. Which implies that PC cannot become public or deemed public limited company.
  8. The area of PC operation is the entire country. 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Fourth World Theory

Fourth World Theory (Capitalist theory)

Earlier there were two community one is Bourgeoisie(class1) and other one is Worker(Classes2) community. There was struggle between these two community and they were trying to deny one another.
but some communist scholar told that there is peaceful coexistence society can be happen between these two community instead of killing each other you can live peacefully.

 Karel Marks told that nothing constant but change is permanent.

   then fourth world require some actors those can create peaceful co-existence in society those people are called Non star actors  

Non-state actors
  NSA are entities that participate or act in   international relation organizations with sufficient power to influence and cause politics change that do not belong to an established institution of a state.
The admission of non-state actors into international relations theory rebukes the assumptions of realism and other black box theories of international relations, which argue that interactions between states are the main relationships of interest in studying international events.


  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—typically considered a part of civil society.
  • Multinational corporations—for-profit organizations that operate in multiple sovereign states.
  • The International Media
  • Violent non-state actors—Armed groups, including groups such as Al-Qaeda or Criminal organizations, for example drug cartels.
  • Religious Groups—Quakers and other religious sects are quite active in their international advocacy efforts.They have in part founded other non-state actors such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace.
  • Transnational diaspora communities—Ethnic or national communities that to influence their original and current territories.


Meaning Group of similar things 
Sectoral and geographical concentration of homogeneous productive enterprises facing common opportunity and threads.

Example of cluster 
Gadag ---- Betigeri---Here all the viewer, buyers and supplier worked in particular area with helping each other . it a cluster of Gadag  

Friday 23 November 2012

ICT Exam

Starting Handicraft Business
Now day handicraft industry has seen an increase in demand when compare to past few years. More and more people are searching for the good handicraft product. So thought this is the good time to start handicraft business. Areas and demand for craft items are as tourists purchase unique cultural items as present for family and friends, as well as for their own personal use, someone use it keep in showcase.
Keeping all theses points in mind. I want to start handicraft business to generate my income, and then I became serious to start treating it as a business.
Demand for my product
I need to know that people will want and buy my handicrafts. There are crafts Products in market but those producing a very small market and cannot profitably to survive my business. 
Best way to know my handicraft product market and customer by checking in internet. Here i can know my product market value and also theis the ending price for today. This approach gives idea to fix rate for my product and its helps to understand the customer’s needs.
 Also do a search on Google to check how many e-commerce sites are selling your products. This approach can help you gauge your competitors, find out what they offer, and identify your possible niche or selling point.
Understand the business basics.
Creating crafts is one thing; knowing how to turn a profit from it is another. Understand all the requirements and have reserve capital to meet expenses before you are able to produce sales and earn a profit.
Final I start my business by knowing these all points.
Question 2
Question 3
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Question 4

Question 06

Sunday 11 November 2012

Internship Reflections
Friday I worked with my internship (SRDS) at 9.30am to 2pm.Mr Sikhandar gave a task for us. That is collecting the information about Water Purifier which is planted in village called SULLA.
At morning 10am we reached Sulla village and met with shanmuk who manage the water purification plant and we asked some information about water purifier is the cost of filter and how it works. He replayed that cost of this filter is 3 lacks rupees and village panchayath provide a room and electricity.
Mission of SRDS:
Making the people to access pure water at affordable price.
About Filter:
There are two syntax in a room one is used to store impure water connected to the bore well and other syntax is for collecting purified water from the filter.

Here they provide pure water at affordable price. 20 litters of pure water at 3rupees.they provided a cane Rs178 for carrying the water.
What we did in Sulla village?
First we gathered the people in one place and asked some question about Water purifier. They replay that this is really good plane for village people who getting 20liters of pure drinking water in affordable price because they were drinking impure water in earl days.
In the village of Sulla we gathered 20 people at small temple and we asked some questions about Water purifier and also we take some suggestion for how make people to buy the pure water.

What did I learnt from this internship?
In this internship program I learnt how to spread awareness about particular program. That is spreading the awareness of water purifier in the village called Sulla.
Here i faced many problems like gathering the people in one place very tough and no one ready to listen our speech but we talk and requested many people and final we arrange small meeting at a small temple.
My suggestions to this program:
The people in village they don’t know about diseases which comes from the impure water so we have to spread the health awareness about these diseases and how to control these diseases. Finally people may be ready to buy the pure water