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Friday 23 November 2012

ICT Exam

Starting Handicraft Business
Now day handicraft industry has seen an increase in demand when compare to past few years. More and more people are searching for the good handicraft product. So thought this is the good time to start handicraft business. Areas and demand for craft items are as tourists purchase unique cultural items as present for family and friends, as well as for their own personal use, someone use it keep in showcase.
Keeping all theses points in mind. I want to start handicraft business to generate my income, and then I became serious to start treating it as a business.
Demand for my product
I need to know that people will want and buy my handicrafts. There are crafts Products in market but those producing a very small market and cannot profitably to survive my business. 
Best way to know my handicraft product market and customer by checking in internet. Here i can know my product market value and also theis the ending price for today. This approach gives idea to fix rate for my product and its helps to understand the customer’s needs.
 Also do a search on Google to check how many e-commerce sites are selling your products. This approach can help you gauge your competitors, find out what they offer, and identify your possible niche or selling point.
Understand the business basics.
Creating crafts is one thing; knowing how to turn a profit from it is another. Understand all the requirements and have reserve capital to meet expenses before you are able to produce sales and earn a profit.
Final I start my business by knowing these all points.
Question 2
Question 3
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Question 4

Question 06


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