- It is registered under the Indian company act 2002. Ownership and membership are primary producers.
- In producer company members equity cannot be traded. However, it may be transferred only with the approval board of directors of the producer company.
- Clause of private limited company shall be applicable to the producer companies except the clause of specified in producer company Act.
- Producer company is with limited liabilities and limited only by share capital. the liability of the members is limited to the unpaid amount of the shares held by them.
- The minimum paid up authorized capital is 5lakh for a PC.
- Minimum number of producer required to PC is 10 and also there is no limit for maximum number of members. For agriculture based producer company 800 to 1000 is good size for initial years to make it economically viable.
- There cannot be private or government equity shake in PC. Which implies that PC cannot become public or deemed public limited company.
- The area of PC operation is the entire country.
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